Funding Sustainable Solutions for the Next Generation
What we do
Forged by the partnership between Blue Sky Energy Asia and Vulpes Investment Management, Green Hedgehog finances and delivers energy-efficient upgrades for building owners who want to enhance building performance and improve financial returns.
Green Hedgehog provides up to 100% of the capital for the upgrade, and our project management experts offer complete solutions across multiple technical and technological relationships including energy, waste, air quality and water in order to fully underwrite the success of a project, transferring risk away from the building owner in the process.
What our customers are saying
“…in 2016, we pioneered our “Something from Nothing” ESG initiative to improve our electricity efficiency by upgrading our data centre air conditioning plant. Our preliminary assessment of the opportunity indicated a 6-year payback for the more efficient upgrade — which stalled our investment.
However, our partnership with Blue Sky* for the upfront funding enabled us to upgrade our plant on a timely basis at no cost, no balance sheet impact and with limited risk and resource commitment, in exchange for a share of realised future electricity savings.“
* Blue Sky Energy Asia is the strategic operating partner of Green Hedgehog.
– HK Broadband, FY22 Interim Results Announcement (21st April, 2022)

For Building Owners
I’d like to save money and improve my building at the same time.
For Investors
I’d like to finance energy efficiency projects and earn a good rate of return, while doing the right thing for the planet.
For Service Providers
I’d like to partner with Green Hedgehog to provide a one-stop solution for building owners.
Copyright © 2022, Green Hedgehog Private Ltd. (“Green Hedgehog”). All Rights Reserved.